hwsecurity-fido2 / de.cotech.hw.fido2 /

Package de.cotech.hw.fido2

The FIDO 2 package of the Hardware Security SDK.


Name Summary
Credential abstract class Credential
Ctap2Callback interface Ctap2Callback<CR : Ctap2Response?>
Fido2SecurityKey open class Fido2SecurityKey
Fido2SecurityKeyConnectionMode open class Fido2SecurityKeyConnectionMode
Fido2SecurityKeyConnectionModeConfig abstract class Fido2SecurityKeyConnectionModeConfig
PublicKeyCredential abstract class PublicKeyCredential : Credential, WebauthnResponse
PublicKeyCredentialCreate abstract class PublicKeyCredentialCreate : WebauthnCommand
PublicKeyCredentialGet abstract class PublicKeyCredentialGet : WebauthnCommand
WebauthnCallback interface WebauthnCallback<R : WebauthnResponse?>
WebauthnJsonCallback interface WebauthnJsonCallback

open class WebViewWebauthnBridge

If you are using a WebView for your login flow, you can use this WebViewWebauthnBridge for extending the WebView’s Javascript API with the WebAuthn APIs.